Clavecins Martine ARGELLIES

English > Catalog > PRELUDE harpsichord - 1 keyboard, 2 stops


PRELUDE harpsichord - 1 keyboard, 2 stops

All the versions of this article: [Deutsch] [English] [français]

The Flemish harpsichord is an instrument with a very resonant sound, (a lot of treble harmonics in the colour) with a precise incisive touch, marvellously suited to the northern and polyphonic repertory, as well as continuo playing.

The instrument is easily adjustable; one can begin with only one stop (a single string plucked by note) and add the second stop when the musical need appears.

Technical description

Compass : 5 octaves , 60 notes from FF to f3 without the lower FF sharp

Disposition : Two 8 stops.

Keyboard : Black mat plastic naturals , maple sharps .

Dimensions : 2m23 x 0m90

Decoration : The case is painted at the colour of your choice .

Stand : 4 screw on legs .

Transposition : 415/440 Herz

Price: 10 500 €