English > Catalog > Flemish harpsichord, 2 keyboards, DULKEN
Concert model
Flemish harpsichord, 2 keyboards, DULKEN
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Ten instruments remain built by J Dulken, a XVIII century Flemish factor. One of which, built in 1755, is in the Brussels’ museum. This instrument could be considered the result of productive, life long research into structure: it has a lovely timbre and holds it’s tuning remarkably well.

An excellent continuo instrument, its frank attack is distinguished easily from the instruments of the orchestra. For a soloist repertory, the brightly harmonic sound makes it polyphonic and powerful.
Mechanically, I installed in the Dulken instrument a French XVIIIth century mechanic after Taskin, chosen for comfort and to ensure numerous registration possibilities.

Concert model
Compass: 5 octaves, 61 notes from FF to f3.
Disposition: Two stops of 8’, one of 4 feet.
On the upper manual, buff 8’ stop, and lute stop,
On the lower manual, stronger 8’, and 4’, Shove coupler to join the two keyboards.
Keyboard: Ebony naturals, bone-topped sharps.
Carved keyfronts in boxwood.
Dimensions: 2m56 x 0m98
Decoration: The case is painted in the colour of your choice with bands and mouldings gilded with gold sheets.
Stand: Trestle stand with four turned legs, period stands optional.
Transposition: 415/440 Herz
Price: 28 900 €